Fallen head over heels for food!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

First entry!

I have always wanted to start a blog, ever since every had one and that I myself have been following numerous blogs (mostly about food, food, fashion and more food). But I have either been too busy, too lazy or just haven't had the motivation to do it, until one day I found my self with nothing to do at home.

Thus begins my journey down the culinary world, I hope most of the post I put up are to do with food and hopefully as time goes on I would be able to describe in more details the taste, texture, presentation, atmosphere of the places I go to (It would really help if my memory weren't so similar to that of a goldfish!).

Since I have been so lucky to have been given a camera for my birthday last year, I promise my self that there will be MORE camera action and hopefully one day I will be able to own one of the DSLRs that everyone seems to be boasting about!!

I promise my self that I will be able to blog at least once a week (on food, there is a back log of about 2 years worth of food porn.....) but also other materials as well!

Can't wait to prove myself wrong for once (with my record of opening up 4 blogs and closing them every time). Will be visiting 2 restaurants this week! Will be busily jotting down and hogging plates and yelling "Don't touch, I'm not done with the camera yet!!!"



  1. Ahh welcome to food blogging! As for jogging your memory - that's what the photos are for :)

  2. Helen!! by the way food bloggers right now are like celebrity to me haha (hope I don't scare anyone!) I know photos/pictures are worth a thousand words... but, I think my neurons are wired differently... XD
